
LotsDogs website is moving to WelfareBased.com!

Important notice: this website will be closing down by the end of this year (2024). New and related content can soon be found at www.WelfareBased.com. LotsDogs social media will remain!


About me, Liselot Boersma


I am a welfare consultant based in the Netherlands. After following numerous courses and many years of practical experience, I obtained a postgraduate degree in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare (PgDip CABW) in 2017. For an overview of my experience in practice and theory, click here.

Since then I have been (and still am) very active in the field as a welfare consultant, offering advice (combining evidence based theory with practice)  and guidance to dog family members, always strongly considering the physical, behavioural and emotional welfare needs of all involved. 

I am a passionate speaker and have given and still give many lectures in the Netherlands (and occassionally in Belgium), sharing my latest insights on numerous topics (emotions, aggression, welfare and body language). I am a guest teacher on welfare and behaviour at educational institutions. I also advise and create educational content for  academies (dogs, cats and rabbits).

Feeling the need to never stop learing and to create more awareness for up to date and evidence based knowledge on welfare, I set up LotsDogs, an international web space where I can share my latest findings in English.  For the Benelux (NL and BE) my Dutch website can be found here: www.HondenLot.nl

LotsDogs is part of my company called Welfare Based: www.WelfareBased.com